The Art of the Spiel

The game with the Best cards.

The Art of the Spiel is now available for purchase at the Game Crafter website!

The Art of the Spiel is a deck-building game where each player portrays a very stable genius. The objective is to gain the most victory points by acquiring classified cards. On their turn, each player draws a hand of cards from their personal deck, plays cards to perform actions, and buys more cards to add to their deck. (The rules and play-style were inspired by the popular Dominion voting machi... err ... card game.) Some of the included cards are:

Blame the Deep State, Declare Election Fraud, Declare Fake News, Exert Executive Privilege, Grab a Pussy, Have Mexico Pay for It, Hire the Best People, Make a Perfect Phone Call, Pardon the Best People, Spectate a Peaceful Riot, Stiff a Lawyer, and Tweet an Alternative Fact.

The Art of the Spiel also has an expansion available for purchase: The Drain the Swamp Expansion. Although the basic game of The Art of the Spiel works perfectly well without this expansion, the expansion provides additional actions which vary the game play and enhance the game's replayability. Further, the expansion cards fit comfortably within the box of the basic game.

Mythmagica, Legendary Quest, MacGuffin, and The Quidnunc and the Hounds are trademarks of Loreweaver Games, a business based in Albuquerque, New Mexico.